วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 10, 2553

คลิปถ่ายให้เห็นไฟไหม้ทุกจุดในกรุงเทพฯ: Bangkok Burning 19 May 2010 (full day footage) กรุงเทพฯ

taubangkok | May 19, 2010

Bangkok skyline on 19 May 2010 between 7 am and 3 pm, as seen from my condo in Din Daeng, Bangkok.

At around 2 am on 19 May, I received a Tweet about a possible army crackdown on the reds by 5 am. I stayed up that night and saw the first signs of clashes around 7 am in the form of plumes on the horizon. After shooting my first little video, I thought it was about over with the burning of tyres. I uploaded my video but when I returned to my balcony, new plumes of fire erupted on the horizon. So I shot some more video until I thought it couldn't get worse. At 8.30 I uploaded my new video just to discover that it could get worse. At 11 am I uploaded my third video as the smoke seemed less and the sky more clear. At 2 pm hell broke loose as many buildings, including Central World, the largest shopping mall in Bangkok, went up in flames and many more plumes appeared on the horizon, resulting in this final video including a spelling mistake in "sat" (no sleep). Later, I was contacted by CNN to provide them with some video footage and information. They used part of my video in their news bulletin and mentioned my name and the circumstance during which I had shot this footage.

Please leave your comments, but I appreciate it if you do not use any foul language on my channel.

